Wednesday, March 29, 2017

1000 1.3-1.4

1000 1.3-1.4
Do Now: Discuss- What do you think is Afghanistan’s “single story” for many Americans? e.g. “Afghanistan is…”

  • research and present relevant information about Afghanistan’s history and culture to see past its “single story.”

  • Open your “Suns Research Presentation”
  • Decide on your preferred presentation format and continue your research.

HW: Finish working on presentation.  Presentations are MONDAY (BLUE) or TUESDAY (GREEN)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

1000 1.2

1000 1.2

DO NOW: Discuss in groups: What do you already know about Afghanistan? What do you want to learn?   

  • describe important aspects of Afghan history, people, and culture.  

  1. Do now
  2. Unit Essential Questions- 1000 Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
  • What are the challenges faced by women living in traditional Islamic societies?
  • How do the female protagonists in 1000 Splendid Suns support one another in resisting patriarchal abuse of women?
3. Images of Afghanistan - write down words that come to mind
  • PBS Powerpoint on Afghanistan’s people, places, and politics
4. Begin Afghanistan mini-research project in table groups (on Day 2 below)
    • Summarize: name 3 new things you learned today about Afghanistan.

HW: Read BBC detailed timeline- (p 2-3) (in Suns Packet)

Monday, March 27, 2017

Diversity Week Prompt- Due MARCH 31

Diversity is about embracing and celebrating what makes us different. What are the things that make you different, and how have they affected your experience in life and at BHS?

Friday, March 10, 2017

GREEN Debate Schedule

TUESDAY: Planned Parenthood


THURSDAY: Surveillance/ Technology


MONDAY: Planned Parenthood

TUESDAY: Technology


PWU 3.4

PWU 3.4
Do now: Are you nervous for the debate?  What gives you the most anxiety?

  • practice debate speeches for team debate in our next class.

  1. Do now
  2. Tongue twisters
  3. Practice! Practice for your teammates/get feedback on posture, voice, pacing, gestures, pronunciation and enunciation
  4. Summarizer

HW: Practice!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Do now: What do you know about the English MCAS?

  • Understand the expectations of the English MCAS exam
  • Review expectations of the English MCAS long comp

  1. Do now
  2. Overview: MCAS exam
  3. Specifics: Long Comp
    1. Sample prompts
    2. Rubrics
    3. Sample essays- score!
    4. PROMPT: Often in works of literature, a character who is considered odd or different turns out to have great importance.

      From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who is considered odd or different but turns out to have great importance. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character is considered odd or different, and explain how the character turns out to be important to the work as a whole

  4. Practice
  5. Summarizer

HW: Write a practice long comp for NEXT week

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

PWU 3.2

PWU 3.2
Do now: Sit with your debate group.  Review progress thus far

  • apply rhetorical appeals and public speaking strategies to their own persuasive writing

  1. Do now
  2. teams draft speeches/anticipate other side’s arguments.
3. Summarizer

HW: Draft assigned part of debate

Monday, March 6, 2017

PWU 3.1

PWU 3.1

Do now: Staple your outline and be sure to complete the “Peer Evaluation Form”

  • prepare a persuasive debate case, using appeals and rhetorical strategies effectively

  1. Do now
  2. Submit Both-sides outline
  3. Review Debate format and roles.  Assign roles as a group
  4. Read: Sample debate speeches
    1. Read independently
    2. Review strengths and weaknesses
    3. Clarifying questions
  5. Begin drafting!
  6. Summarizer

HW: Draft assigned part of debate

Friday, March 3, 2017

PWU 2.4

Do now: Review your outline-- what needs to get done?

  • analyze research findings by comparing arguments and counter-arguments on a debate topic

  1. Do now
  2. Find holes remaining in research and assign research responsibility

  1. Note on Equity: *if you don’t contribute your assigned part to the group outline by the deadline, you will receive a reduction in your individual grade for this project based on the feedback from your peers.
    1. *You will grade one another on your contributions, and these assessments will factor into your final grades.

  1. BOTH SIDES OUTLINE DUE: due Monday 3/6 (blue); Tuesday 3/7 (green) printed - include all group members’ names and self-assess on rubric. (1 person turns this in)
  2. Peer Evaluation of all group members also due from everyone on same due date.
  3. "The Great Debaters"
  4. Summarizer

HW: Work on outlines

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

PWU 2.3

PWU 2.3
Do now: take out your annotated articles and share what you have learned with your debate team. Do you see 3 “Reasons” you could use for your Outline?

  • analyze research findings by comparing arguments and counter-arguments on a debate topic

  1. Do now
  3. review MLA rules.  Refer to packet as you add sources
    1. Create a google doc and copy/paste the outline format
    2. Decide on colors and responsibilities (be clear/equitable in dividing up the work!)
    3. Find holes remaining in research and assign research responsibility

  1. Note on Equity: *if you don’t contribute your assigned part to the group outline by the deadline, you will receive a reduction in your individual grade for this project based on the feedback from your peers.
    1. *You will grade one another on your contributions, and these assessments will factor into your final grades.

  1. BOTH SIDES OUTLINE DUE: due Monday 3/6 (blue); Tuesday 3/7 (green) printed - include all group members’ names and self-assess on rubric. (1 person turns this in)
  2. Peer Evaluation of all group members also due from everyone on same due date.
  3. "The Great Debaters"
  4. Summarizer

HW: Work on outlines