Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Oedipus 1.2

Oedipus 1.2

Do now: (socrative) what is tragedy?  What elements/characteristics does it usually have?

  • understand Aristotle’s definition of tragedy
  • understand some basic facts of Ancient Greek Culture and drama

  1. do now
  2. ORB Book Group- Discussion
  3. Create a new divider in notability called “Oedipus Rex”
  4. Download the “Ancient Greek Culture, Tragedy and Oedipus Rex- intro notes” handout
  5. Download the text “Oedipus Rex. PDF” to notability
  6. If time, begin reading the Prologue
  7. Summarizer

HW: Read the Prologue for THURSDAY (GREEN) or
Paraphrase the Parados for FRIDAY (BLUE)

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