Friday, September 30, 2016


Do now: take out your annotations HW and discuss your thoughts on the Conrad excerpt with your group.

  • identify problems with the colonialist single story of Africa.

  1. Do now
  2. Class: respresentatives from each group describes what they discussed
  3. TFA ppt
  4. Import the transcript of the “Dangers of a Single Story” TED talk into notability.  Read through it.
  5. Group discussion: What is or could be problematic about people only knowing the “single story” of Africa? Have your views on Conrad’s excerpt changed after re-reading Adichie’s lecture?
  6. Begin reading and annotating Achebe’s Essay on Conrad- read aloud in groups and discuss as you go.
  7. Summarizer

HW: READ & (with detail) ANNOTATE: Achebe’s Essay on Conrad (3-8) REQUIREMENTS: 2/3 annotations per page. Annotate for: identification of thesis and/or evidence, agreement/disagreement, questions for understanding, summarizing

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