Tuesday, October 4, 2016


DO NOW- DISCUSS a, b, c and d below in small groups (10 minutes):
    1. What are some of Achebe’s most compelling arguments?
    2. According to Achebe, what is the colonialist single story of Africa, and how does Conrad’s novel contribute to that view?
    3. Find 3 quotes that support Achebe’s argument that Conrad is a “thoroughgoing racist”- read closely and discuss their importance to the meaning of the article.
  • identify problems with the colonialist single story of Africa;
  • describe the writing style of Chinua Achebe.

  1. do now
  2. “[T]he question is whether a novel which celebrates this dehumanization, which depersonalizes a portion of the human race, can be called a great work of art.” (6)
  3. Full Class Discussion- Can a racist work (or work with an underlying racist tone) be considered a “great work of art”? Why or why not?
  4. Things Fall Apart
  • Begin reading Chapter 1 together -Popcorn
  • Summarize: what strikes you as different about this novel’s writing style from other novels you have read? What effects do these differences have on the reader?
HW: Read TFA, ch 1-3 + 3-2-1 Discussion Journal

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