Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Macbeth 1.2

Do now: What do you know about William Shakespeare?  List two things


  • use available technology to research important people, places, and events from Elizabethan England and medieval Scotland

  • work effectively in groups to create a Google Slides presentation

  • Jigsaw information into concise notes

  • effectively contribute to ORB book group


1.do now

2. Groups of three: download "Research assignment- Elizabethan People and Places notes" handout

  • In groups of 3, research your ONE assigned person, place, or event.  

  • Take notes your topic (bullet points are fine). Remember: we are providing a brief overview of the topic, not writing a graduate school dissertation-- 3-5 bullet points are sufficient!

  • In the class’s shared Google Slides Presentation, add your information to the slide (you may change the font/size/color of your slide- do not change other slides in the presentation!)

  • Include at least one appropriate image to the slide.

  • At the bottom of the slide, include a link to the websites referenced

3. When class is finished, take individual notes on all the categories in the notes sheet (finish for homework, if necessary)

4. Close reading of Act 1.1: annotate the scene.  Identify diction that contributes to tone/mood.

5. Draft an assertion statement that follows the template: "Shakespeare uses ______ diction to contribute a ______________ tone"

6. Socrative: based on the opening scene, make one prediction about the play

7. Summarizer

HW: Finish taking notes from the Google Slide Presentation

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