Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Macbeth 8.3

Do now: In Act 5.2, Shakespeare uses clothing imagery to describe Macbeth: “Some say he’s mad; others that lesser hate him/ Do call it valiant fury, but for certain/ He cannot buckle his distempered cause/ Within the belt of rule,” and “ Now does he feel his title/ Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe/ Upon a dwarfish thief.” On a piece of blank paper, draw one of these images.  Then right 1-2 sentences explaining why you think Shakespeare uses clothing imagery for these moments.  (independently. 10 minutes)
  • identify Shakespeare’s use of clothing imagery through a visualization activity
  • analyze Shakespeare’s use of short scenes to build tension
  1. do now
  2. Individual: Socrative Act 5 questions
  3. Class: Read/Act out Act 5.5
  4. Close Reading: In your Macbeth’s speeches document, read and annotate this final speech:
    1. paraphrase each sentence
    2. identify: personification, alliteration, repetition, metaphors, images
    3. Shakespeare has Macbeth use “nothing” in both his Act 3.1 and Act 5.5 soliloquies-- what does nothing mean?  Why do you think Shakespeare uses this word in these particular scenes?
  5. Reflection paragraph: at the end of the Macbeth Soliloquies annotations, write a paragraph (at least 8 sentences) in which you reflect on Macbeth’s transformation from Act 1 to Act 5. This is due TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th.  See “Macbeth's soliloquies reflection paragraph” in our handouts folder for more details.
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish the imagery logs and speech annotations

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