Friday, January 6, 2017

Macbeth Friday GREEN/ Monday BLUE

Do now: Open up your imagery log.  Review all the entries
  • identify the connotations of assigned image
  • identify key quotations from the play that supports theme statement
  • draft a theme statement connecting Shakespeare’s method to meaning
1. do now
2. Get into imagery groups. Review entries and draft a theme statement that connects Shakespeare’s use of your image to its significance to the play as a whole.
3. One pager: On a piece of easel paper:
a. on the TOP of the page, identify your image
b. on the CENTER of the page, draw one central image
c. on the LEFT side of the page, write 2-3 connotation words of that image
d. on the RIGHT side of the page, write 2 quotes from the play
e. on the BOTTOM of the page, write your theme statement

4. Gallery walk
5. Download “Santiago MB Imagery Essay”- read and ask clarifying questions
6. Summarizer

HW: Draft a thesis statement

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