Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday BLUE

Do now: rank controversial issues-- in socrative
1. Should the US ban entry of people from specific countries of origin?
2. Should the government fund reproductive health centers (such as Planned Parenthood), if they provide abortions?
3. Should families be able to use government funding to send their children to a school of their choice (charter, private/religious)
4. Does the surveillance power of technology make us safer?

  • identify main ideas of argument
  1. do now
  2. Create a new subject in notability called PWU or Persuasive Writing Unit. Download the "PWU Handouts Packet"
  3. Table groups: answer the “On Using Argument” discussion questions
  4. Find examples of logical fallacies in advertising/politics- where is there faulty logic? (use Google search)
  5. Summarize: How do we know what moral action is “best” when faced with a choice? How do we know right from wrong? Where does that knowledge come from? Is it taught or innate?

HW: name and define 3 appeals/ PREP for Cultural Presentation!

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