Friday, December 23, 2016

Macbeth 6.3

Do now: Act 4 contains great dramatic range.  For each category, identify which part of Act 4 it refers to (table groups): Ritual, Spectacle, Domestic Family Life, Horrific violation, Deception and moral complexity, Deep personal grief (Create a shared google doc. 10 minutes)

  • identify how each scene reveals something significant about Macbeth and his character
  • identify Malcolm's reasons for mistrusting Macduff
1. do now
2. Table groups: Act 4.1: 1) what are the three apparitions? 2) what is the final illusion?
3. Table groups: Act 4.2: Read out loud. 1) what info do we learn? 2) Why do you think Shakespeare includes this scene? 3) Examine Lady Macduff and Son's exchange about liars and cheaters. What does the son suggest?
3. Table groups: In Act 4 Scene 3, Malcolm builds a strong case for his mistrust of Macduff in the first 35 lines. List the reasons (there are at least 10!) and state the page numbers for each reason. (10 minutes)
4. Class discussion
5. Summarizer

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