Friday, April 14, 2017

1,000 3.4

1,000 3.4
DO NOW: Brainstorm/discuss- What are human rights?  How would you define this? (Discuss in table teams- 4 minutes)

  • define “human rights” and discuss both their origins and the need for their protection.

  1. Do now
  2. What are human rights? Clip (10 minutes):

3.    In table groups: make a list of all the human rights you believe exist. (10 minutes)  (Easel Paper- hang up around the room)

4.    . Gallery Walk/ Class Discussion/ Our Class List of Human Rights- which ones stand out?  Do we agree with all/some? (5-10 minutes)

5.    Table groups: 3-2-1 journal/ discussion check 1000 Splendid Suns chapters 9-13 (10 minutes)

HOMEWORK: Read Chapters 14-21; complete TWO 3-2-1 journals (one for chapters 14-17 one for chapters 18-21)

Thursday, April 13, 2017


1,000 3.2

DO NOW - discuss your reactions to the following cartoon:

2) Then open this photograph- what’s the artist saying?

3) Discuss: Miriam: “…she did not like the suffocating way the pleated cloth kept pressing against her mouth…[it] was also comforting. It was like a one-way window. Inside it, she was an observer, buffered from the scrutinizing eyes of strangers.”

  • develop and support an opinion as to whether the burqa is a symbol of women’s oppression.     

  1. Do now (10 minutes)
  • Class Popcorn Discussion:
    • 1)Should governments should be legally allowed to ban the wearing of the burqa?
    • 2) Is the burqa a symbol of oppression of women? How is it arguably a feminist decision to wear a burqa? An anti-feminist one?
3. Discuss your ch. 9- 11 observations w/ group
4. Discuss- What cultural/societal/political issues, if any, do you think pose challenges particularly for women in the United States today?
  • Which of these statistics surprised or stood out to you? Why?
4. Watch Everyday Sexism TED Talk by Laura Bates (17)-
  • Discuss- what is Bates calling for? How can we start to change the culture of sexism?
5. Summarize: How are issues of sexism different in Afghanistan and the U.S.? How are they similar?

HW: Chapters 12-13; read “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” in Suns packet;  complete the 3-2-1 journal

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

1,000 3.3

1,000 3.3
Do Now: Share your reactions to article “For women in America…”

  • compare and contrast aspects of sexism and oppression of women in Afghanistan and America

  1. Do now
  2. Discuss- What cultural/societal/political issues, if any, do you think pose challenges particularly for women in the United States today?
  • Which of these statistics surprised or stood out to you? Why?
4. Watch Everyday Sexism TED Talk by Laura Bates (17)-
  • Discuss- what is Bates calling for? How can we start to change the culture of sexism?
5. Summarize: How are issues of sexism different in Afghanistan and the U.S.? How are they similar?

HW: Chapters 12-13; read “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” in Suns packet;  complete the 3-2-1 journal

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Suns 2.4
DO NOW- Discuss (2 mins):  “She [Mariam] was being sent away because she was the walking, breathing embodiment of their shame.”


  • analyze Mariam’s struggle with identity and describe her transforming relationship with her father; 
  • identify issues with calling Islam “misogynistic”

  1. Do now
  2. Popcorn Discussion : “Is Islam Misogynistic?” (10)
  3. Discussion Groups of Ch 6-8 (10-15)- 3-2-1 journal
  4. Summarize: what important message did you take away from the TED talk?

HW: Read chapters 9-11; complete 3-2-1 journal entry

Monday, April 10, 2017

Do now: TED talk- Dare to Educate Afghan Girls


  • identify the importance of educating women in Afghanistan

2. Socrative: Reactions-- what stood out to you/what important message did you take a way from the TED talk?
3. "France Bans Burqa"- article in SUNS packet
4. Read chapters 9-11
5. Summarizer

HW: Read chapters 9-11 and complete the 3-2-1 journal

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Suns 2.2

Suns 2.2
DO NOW:- Prep for presentations

  • identify examples of gender oppression in 1000 Splendid Suns

  1. Do now
    1a. BLUE: presentations
  2. Watch: -Girl Rising: Afghanistan   (10 minutes)
  3. Student-Led Discussion (4 groups):
    1. appoint a facilitator (10 minutes)- your participation is expected in your group discussions, and will be part of your “classroom community” grade.
4. Creative Writing (10 mins): Write a letter to Jalil/Nana/Mariam from Mariam’s/Nana’s/Jalil’s perspective about their feelings regarding the events in chapters 1-5. Place in Google Student folder when done.
5.  Is Islam Misogynistic? (In Google Drive)

HW: Read and annotate (notes! not underlining!) Is Islam Misogynistic?” article (read the first article- you don’t need to read the second); read Ch 6-8 + write a 3-2-1 journal.

Monday, April 3, 2017



DO NOW: Move Google Slide show in Google Drive Student Folder

  • present relevant information about Afghanistan’s history and culture to see past its “single story.”
  1. Do now
  2. Presentations- 5 minutes per group
  3. Read Biography of Hosseini (in Sun’s packet)
  4. Sign out 1,000 books
  5. Review 3-2-1 journal requirements

HW: Chapters 1-5