Thursday, April 13, 2017


1,000 3.2

DO NOW - discuss your reactions to the following cartoon:

2) Then open this photograph- what’s the artist saying?

3) Discuss: Miriam: “…she did not like the suffocating way the pleated cloth kept pressing against her mouth…[it] was also comforting. It was like a one-way window. Inside it, she was an observer, buffered from the scrutinizing eyes of strangers.”

  • develop and support an opinion as to whether the burqa is a symbol of women’s oppression.     

  1. Do now (10 minutes)
  • Class Popcorn Discussion:
    • 1)Should governments should be legally allowed to ban the wearing of the burqa?
    • 2) Is the burqa a symbol of oppression of women? How is it arguably a feminist decision to wear a burqa? An anti-feminist one?
3. Discuss your ch. 9- 11 observations w/ group
4. Discuss- What cultural/societal/political issues, if any, do you think pose challenges particularly for women in the United States today?
  • Which of these statistics surprised or stood out to you? Why?
4. Watch Everyday Sexism TED Talk by Laura Bates (17)-
  • Discuss- what is Bates calling for? How can we start to change the culture of sexism?
5. Summarize: How are issues of sexism different in Afghanistan and the U.S.? How are they similar?

HW: Chapters 12-13; read “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” in Suns packet;  complete the 3-2-1 journal

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