Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Suns 2.2

Suns 2.2
DO NOW:- Prep for presentations

  • identify examples of gender oppression in 1000 Splendid Suns

  1. Do now
    1a. BLUE: presentations
  2. Watch: -Girl Rising: Afghanistan   (10 minutes)
  3. Student-Led Discussion (4 groups):
    1. appoint a facilitator (10 minutes)- your participation is expected in your group discussions, and will be part of your “classroom community” grade.
4. Creative Writing (10 mins): Write a letter to Jalil/Nana/Mariam from Mariam’s/Nana’s/Jalil’s perspective about their feelings regarding the events in chapters 1-5. Place in Google Student folder when done.
5.  Is Islam Misogynistic? (In Google Drive)

HW: Read and annotate (notes! not underlining!) Is Islam Misogynistic?” article (read the first article- you don’t need to read the second); read Ch 6-8 + write a 3-2-1 journal.

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