Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Intro to SL5

DO NOW:  read the Dresden firebombing article in your SL5 Survival Guide, pg. 5

  • describe the Dresden fire bombing of WWII and define new literary terms used often by Vonnegut
  • Define, identify examples of, and explain the effect of Vonnegut’s devices 

  • Identify, explain, compare and contrast the anti-hero to other kinds of heroes
  • Evaluate the role of fiction in social and/or cultural commentary

1. do now
2. Dresden visuals
3. Discuss:
  1. What, if anything, did you already know about the bombing of Dresden before reading the article?
  2. Why is the bombing of Dresden so controversial?
  3. Why might this event of WWII be less well-known among the American population than other events from the same war?
  4. How do you predict this historical event will relate to our next novel? 4. Does our culture glorify war?- The Patriot, Pearl Harbor- can you think of other examples?
  5. Survival Guide: Begin S5 literary terms / definitions and read article about Vonnegut’s life

Summarize: why do you think writers intentionally incorporate literary devices into their writing?

HW: Read chapters 1-3 in SL5 for TUESDAY MAY 16 (BLUE) or WEDNESDAY MAY 17 (GREEN)

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