Monday, May 22, 2017

SL5 2.1

SL5 2.1

DO NOW:  Grab the chapter 5a close reading passage and start your close-reading annotations. (“The Englishmen were…”)

OBJECTIVES:  connect method to meaning in  Vonnegut’s works

  1. DO NOW- 10 minutes
  2. Mini-Socratic Seminar and Passage discussion (10 min)
       -thesis statement exercises (5 mins)
  1. Non-linear narration creative writing:
    1. Choose one of the following prompts and compose a short (1 page) narrative:
    2. A) a series of events from your life or from a well-known story told out of sequence or backwards- What changes when you change the order of events?
    3. OR: B) create an anti-hero to a well-known hero. Write a description of your anti-hero and a short dialogue between your anti-hero and another character from the film/book - what changes when you change their dominant characteristics?
  2. (if time) reading chapter 5, part 2
  3. Summarize: what is Vonnegut’s message about war in ch. 5?

HW: Read the second half of chapter 5 (pages 112-135)

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